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时间:2023-10-27 08:20:58 来源:搜狐

日本插画大奖向来只接受 「未经商业合作或发表」的纯粹创作,严谨的作品审查与交件流程,让日本插画大奖在创作者心目中有着一定的公信力。


日本插画大奖向来只接受 「未经商业合作或发表」的纯粹创作,严谨的作品审查与交件流程,让日本插画大奖在创作者心目中有着一定的公信力。在参赛资格与风格上,大会则是展现高度的包容度,参赛也并不限制创作者的背景资历与交件数量,近年来透过正名为日本插画大奖及对不吝于以奖项鼓舞非日籍创作者等政策,也看出大会想要逐渐迈向国际的决心。得奖作品在技法、风格上所展现的多元性,让人每次纵览赢家创作,总有种惊喜感。




本届赛事人数:334位参赛作品数:778件01 全场大奖

Hannah Li(中国)

The Walk 01 / The Walk 02 / The Walk 03 / The Walk 04 / The Walk 05 / The Walk 06


Allen John(中国)

RAN · 亂 – Hunting through the tall summer-gras

RAN · 亂 – Wild boar hides itself in the bushes

RAN · 亂 – The great lord, Hidetora Ichimonji

RAN · 亂 – First castle

RAN · 亂 – Where the arrow comes from

RAN · 亂 – Hidetora is standing on the upper story with a bow in his other hand

RAN · 亂 – Hidetora opens the window and looks down

RAN · 亂 – The spear brigade rushes for the gate, at the head of the ranks, mounted, is Jiro

RAN · 亂 – The mad Hidetora goes staggering down the slope

RAN · 亂 – Jiro gazes at Hidetora from behind, then runs spontaneously after him


Yuqiao Zheng(中国)

(image1-7)’I’ Searcher

Fatinha Ramos(葡萄牙)

1 – FATINHA RAMOS – Tourmaline cover / 2 – FATINHA RAMOS – Tourmaline / 3 – FATINHA RAMOS – Tourmaline 2

Gold Fujimoto(日本)

いつか、きっと。/ 想い出は8bit / 繋げられる生活

Xiaoying Liu(中国)

どんぐりと山猫 / 猫町 / 猫の踊 / 大王猫の病気 / 山の秋 / くるみ割り人形


Moon Wolf and Dancing Crane / The Pearl Dragon Mermaid / Meeting in the Golden Valley

Belle Lee(韩国)

I have discovered a new world. / You can draw your dream. / Magical place /

We need kindness from the world.

Te Hu(中国)

La-Macarena (seville) / the Parade of six-armed mani padme /golden temple (converge)

Tsutomu Kitazawa(日本)

The-day-of-MobyDick _白鯨の日 / A-Mausoleum-of-Sorrow_慟哭の霊廟 /


Mai Ngo(越南)

Luci’s Garden / Red


A “Geode” Revelation crystal / A “Witch Surviving a Dark night” / Those who “Don’t Exist” /

A White Angel who Visionary her “Daylight” / Ours “Dawn”


Yiran Jia(中国)

Solaris Book cover / Solaris interior illustration 1 / Solaris interior illustration 2 /


Angela Wu(中国)

Cage / Baptism And Guarding / LORA / Nest / Pygmalion


All Around Birdtown

Andy Chiang(中国,台湾)

The Outbreak / The Rise / The Crash / The Distance / The Isolation


春、目を覚ました / 夏の花のように / 秋の形が溶けて、大地の心臓に流れていく / 冬、伝承


Streetfood_robot_life / Happiness_of_Hong_Kong_Tramways / Incense_burner_robot / BigBun_operation

Ruocong Ma(中国)

Pink Lady / Pink Lady2 / Golden Lady / Orange Lady

Sakuhal Kubo(日本)



新春画・楽 / 新春画・粋 / 新春画・潮

Miguel Iturbe(西班牙)

Junkyard Pirates 1 / Junkyard Pirates 2

Mito Nishikura(日本)

空想都市-空- / 空想都市-洞窟- / 空想都市-海-


Moon Pool / Promotion bridge / Geomantic Omen Tower / Stone lion / Roof / Golden bridge / Red bridge / Isolation

Chang Yi(中国)

Condolences for a Little Death / The Man in the Picture: The Morning of the Dying / The Man in the Picture: An Empty Container / The Man in the Picture: The Ghost of Dorian

Eason Ko(中国,台湾)

Love / Tenderness / Dad / First Love / Dream / Twilight / The way to go home / I wish I could… / Dandelion’s Promise / Loneliness


クロとお散歩(1) / クロとお散歩(2) / クロとお散歩(3) / クロとお散歩(4) / クロとお散歩(5) / クロとお散歩(6) / クロとお散歩(7)

Lem Lian(中国)


Miki Nihei(日本)

River town / In the bush / Some country building / Lamp light

Siyue Wang(中国)

共生1号 / 共生2号 / 共生3号 / 共生4号 / 共生5号 / ヤモリ

Yichin Chen(中国,台湾)

The origin of the world / Gazing of Nuwa / The palace of souls / Evolution in the eden garden / Fading into the wind / Between Frames / Star Traveling / In the Ocean / In the Desert / A City, An Orchestra

Yu Zhang(中国)

Puzzle / Pill / Plastic Foam / Vending machine

Anthony TungNing Huang(美国)

The Full Moon / Butterfly Lovers / La Bayadère / Ressentir

Chau Pham(越南)

Spring, her name

ChuanBin Chung(中国,台湾)

INA-Paiwan / INA-Amis / INA-Thao / INA-Tsou / INA-Rukai


go for a picnic1 / go for a picnic2 / go for a picnic3 / go for a picnic4


ソレイユ / 白昼夢 / 夜の国のともだち

Kohori Yazu(日本)

少女地獄 / 桜の森の満開の下

Liu Qingqing(中国)

Freedom / A Dog’s Tale / Decisions

Lucas León(智利)

What are we? / Our apparition

Misuzu Hata(日本)

日常 / 衛

Noir Noir SHIH(中国,台湾)

Little Daisy got lost. / Little Daisy and fish.

PO-SHU WANG(中国,台湾)

Cheetah suits up. Bearing his personal image of JOB in mind

Cheetah wants to be a pedicab driver

Cheetah wants to be an adventurer

Cheetah wants to be a barista

Finally, He choose to be a luck cat at home.

Rita wang(中国)

What did we do to nature / Fool’s paradise / The city fell

Steven Choi(中国)

Sometimes the heart sees what the eyes cannot. / Tame / Unique / There are five thousand flowers, all alike, in the world, but only you will be my one and only rose.

Dali Wu(中国)

Night Tour • The Unlimited Local Landscapes

It is Always Difficult To ask Their Soul To Stay Behind

Ambigram: Relativities

Lisa Wee Eng Cheng(马来西亚)

Play date

Masayo Ueda(日本)

forest / ねことねずみ / かえる / 洞窟にて / 葉っぱの下で

Sunny B.(美国)

Stairs to the Endless Dream

Taisuke Yoshida(日本)

HINOTORI / ANILA / Black Water Dragon / Leviathan


新陳代謝 / 卵が観ている / レトロゴーストライダー / 犬猫盛り / エディット


Spirit and flower / Spirit and embrace / Spirit and fligh / Guiding star and iceberg



